BIG BUYER / Exhibitors / LEBEZ SPA
LEBEZ nasce a Correggio (Reggio Emilia) nel 1959 ed e’ fra i leader importers di articoli di cancelleria per l’ufficio, il regalo e la scuola.
Studio e personalizzazione dei prodotti, fanno di Lebez un importatore e distributore di primaria importanza nel complesso mondo della cartoleria. Disponibilità immediata delle merci, assortimento e servizio post vendita hanno contribuito negli anni al successo dei suoi cataloghi.
Lebez distribuisce con successo più di 3000 articoli e tra questi ha sviluppato diverse linee di prodotti a marchio proprio.
Lebez spa has been established in 1959. It imports from Asia and European countries and sells its products in Italy through an excellent sales organisation of 18 salesmen. Lebez is specialised in gift, writing instruments, office, school and free time. Main purposes are products and packaging selection to meet discerning customers request. Lebez offers its customers a good and dynamic service from the availability of the goods to the quick delivery and excellent packing. It is located in Correggio – Reggio Emilia in the North Part of Italy and it expands on 13.000 square meters between stock house and office, furthermore the company has an impressive 300 square meters showroom where customers are always welcome. In January 2012 Niji Italiana has been incorporated to Lebez spa and together they represent the most important group in Italy as importers and distributors of stationery items.

Product list
Accessories For Filing, Accessories For Pc Cleaning , Adhesive And Biadhesive Tapes , Advent Calendars , Appointment Diaries , Bags , Bags And Trolleys For Pc , Ball-Point Pens , Baskets , Bicoloured Pencils , Big Pencils , Blackboards , Block Notes , Block-Notes Holders , Briefcase , Brushes , Business Card Albums , Chalks , Christmas Window-Transparencies , Clips , Clocks , Coloured Paper , Coloured Pencils , Coloured paper , Coloured pencils , Correcting Products , Cutters , Decorations , Decoupage Paper, Desk Drawers , Desk Sets , Diaries , Drawing Instruments , Drawing Pins , Erasable Pens , Erasers , Files For Projects , Filing Cabinets , Filing Tray , Finger Colours , Finger Pad, Folders , Folders With Rings , Fountain Pens , Frames , Gel Pens , Globe, Glues , Graphite Pencils , Greeting Cards , Highlighters, Indelible Markers , Index Cards , Keychain Cassettes , Keys holders , Labelling Machines , Labels , Leads , Leather goods , Luxury Pens , Magnifying Lens , Memo Cubes , Menu Holders , Musical Instruments , Notice Boards, Oil colours , Organizers , Packaging Tags , Palettes , Paper Clip Dispensers , Paper Clips , Paper Clips And Staplers , Paper Guillotines , Paperknife , Pastels, Pastels , Pen Holders , Pencil Cases , Pencil Sharpeners , Pens For Touch Screen , Perforators , Photo album , Pipes For Drawings , Pipes for drawings , Pliers , Post It , Pricing , Roller Pens , Rubber Bands , Rubbers , Rucksacks , Safe Boxes , Scissors , Shoppers , Staplers , Staples And Staples Removers , Stickers , Suitcases , Tape Dispensers , Temperas , Thin Cardboards , Wallet , Watercolours And Accessories , Writing Boards.